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Design isn't what it used to be.

Not long ago, design solutions were unique and lasting.

Now, off-the-shelf templates focus on style over substance—offering images, but not insights. The problem?

Your company starts to look and sound like everyone else.

How do you stand out?

Forget decoration. Go for depth.

While templates and one-size-fits-all processes have become popular, we reject both—knowing they lead to shallow solutions and lackluster outcomes.

You have complex information to distill and discerning customers to impress.

Standard solutions won’t do.

Handcrafted brand and digital experiences that are anything but ordinary.

We work with you—leader to leader—to go beyond visuals.

Diving deep into strategy and substance, we help you creatively solve your most pressing brand communication challenges and transform digital experiences into meaningful results.

Bigger teams aren’t always better.

Wondering if you need a large agency?

Maybe you’ve worked with a creative agency before.

Too often, the person who led your pitch disappears once the project begins. Details slip. Priorities shift. Why be a small fish in their big pond?

No need for trade-offs.

Drawing on our experiences as an MBA management consultant and a design leader and teacher, we co-founded LOWERCASE to create stand-out solutions that blend business acumen with sophisticated design thinking.

You get the expertise of an agency with the agility of a specialized team. No need for tradeoffs.

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