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Stop to think?

It may be the last thing you want customers to do.

Imagine making experiences so intuitive that customers hardly need to think about their choices. This is “System 1” thinking popularized by Daniel Kahneman.

System 1 is our intuitive, effortless, and automatic way of thinking, while System 2 is more analytical, slow, and deliberate.

Here’s why it matters:

Customer decisions start in System 1.

System 1 is driven by instinct. This is where we want to keep customers for as long as possible.

Friction triggers System 2.

System 2 comes into play for more detailed, logical thinking. It’s slower and kicks in when things get complex or unfamiliar, requiring more cognitive effort.

We can ensure the shift to System 2 is seamless and happens at the right time.

Eventually, customers will shift to System 2 to read the fine print and scrutinize details. By designing experiences that are initially simple and intuitive, we can guide customers into more analytical thinking when necessary. Be ready with clear, logical information to support the shift.

The key? Avoid triggering System 2 too soon.

Confusing or misleading content pushes customers into analytical mode prematurely, making your job harder.

Instead, aim for a balance: an intuitive journey that naturally transitions into detailed analysis when needed. This approach not only simplifies decision-making but improves the customer experience.

SOURCE: Originally posted on LinkedIn.

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